Premier Portrait And Headshot Photographers
Welcome To The Home Of OpticForge PhotoGraphics.
Master Artists in Photography We Specialise In Crafting Images Of Beauty And Intrigue.
Specialists in the fields of Digital Photography and Retouching we can handle any of your project needs from basic Headshots to Huge Advertising Campaigns.
Our staff are dedicated to their craft and are experts in their chosen fields, providing you with the best results in the industry.
Portraits are the heart of our creations, and as your Personal Portrait Photographers we take you by the hand and never leave your side at every step of the daunting prospect of having your picture taken in a studio. We shoot actors, dancers, builders, bankers, bakers and absolutely anyone else needing that *one* picture to tip the odds in their favour.
Based in Welling, Bexleyheath we also serve London and other areas far and wide.
The new year kicked off with lots of portfolio refreshes after many resolutions and fresh starts - We've been busy! ( but we can always fit you in somewhere - just drop us a line )
We also have laid the ground work for our new Youtube channel that will cater for those that are thinking about or have already booked an upcoming photo shoot session with us, this will be packed full of useful information such as posing tips, clothing choices and more!
Stay tuned.
Opticforge Photographics is based in Welling, the London Borough of Bexleyheath.